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Thursday, 19 July 2007

Photographic journey #1: The Holga

It was back in July or August '06 that I first got re-interested in photography when I purchased a Holga 120 CFN through a shop that sells lomographic gear imported by Superheadz in Japan. All these stores have a corner with all this cool lomo stuff and I just felt like spending some money. Back in Uni when I was studying Visual Arts, I did take some photography class doing B&W with an old SLR but at that time, I was more interested in digital photography and photo manipulation so didn't really get into it. So, I have my Holga and some 120 film and away I went.

Here's some example shots while experimenting with this medium format, plastic toy camera.

You can view my whole Holga stream on my flickr page.

Gion, Kyoto: Fuji Provia 100, double exposure, (August 2006)

Yokohama Bay: Fuji Acros 100, (August 2006)

Spider Bay: Ilford XP2 Super, double exposure, (September 2006)

Smoking: Kodak 400VC, red filter, (July 2006)

Bridge: Kodak 400 NC, (October 2006)

The Scream: Fuji PN400, double exposure, (November 2006)

Tokoji Grave: Fuji PN400, double exposure, (November 2006)

Kosanji Temple: Kodak 400 NC, (October 2006)