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Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Himeji Safari & Amusement park : Pt.4

Just before a strong rain hit us, I took this photo of the Ferris Wheel at Himeji Amusement Park with the Auto Tamron 35mm 2.8 M42 lens. It's quite gloomy and daunting, just the way I like it. The rest of the photos were also taken from the car with the Auto Tamron while going home at sunset.

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/4, ISO -100, Shutter - 1/4000

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/2.8, ISO -400, Shutter - 1/500

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/2.8, ISO -400, Shutter - 1/350

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/2.8, ISO -400, Shutter - 1/500

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/2.8, ISO -400, Shutter - 1/125