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Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Himeji Safari & Amusement park : Pt.3

Part 3 from Himeji Safari Park. The last post in this series will be from the Amusement Park.

Pentax FA 70-200 f/4-4.5, f/4.5, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/20, Focal Length - 110mm

Pentax FA 70-200 f/4-4.5, f/4.5, ISO - 560, Shutter - 1/500, Focal Length - 143mm

Pentax FA 70-200 f/4-4.5, f/5.6, ISO - 400, Shutter - 1/180, Focal Length - 200mm

Pentax FA 70-200 f/4-4.5, f/5.6, ISO - 560, Shutter - 1/500, Focal Length - 200mm

Super Takumar 135 mm 3.5, f/3.5, ISO - 560, Shutter - 1/250