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Thursday, 24 April 2008

Australian Trip - Whyalla: Views from Hummock Hill

Here's some shots taken from Hummock Hill in Whyalla, there's some interesting views of One Steel, the foreshore and and the old WW2 bunkers. I used the FA 28-105 which was good for long distance wide angle and the M-50 1.7 for in the bunker (low light) and better use of DOF.

Pentax FA 28-105, f/3.2, ISO - 200, Shutter - 1/1500, Focal Length - 28 mm

Pentax M 50 mm 1.7, ISO - 200, Shutter - 1/4000 (b&w conversion)

Pentax FA 28-105, f/11, ISO - 200, Shutter - 1/80, Focal Length - 50 mm (bleach bypass)

Pentax M 50 mm 1.7, ISO - 200, Shutter - 1/350 (b&w conversion)

Pentax M 50 mm 1.7, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/1500 (colour boost)