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Saturday, 26 April 2008

Australian Trip - Grange Beach

After a hardy meal and a few beers at the Grange pub, I walked to beach and took a few photos with the FA 28-105. It was very windy and a little rainy and sand was blowing around so the harder elements were new for me to shoot in. I like the resulting harshness in the photos like dark clouds, sand blowing, angry waves and rain splatters on the lens. I converted a few images in this shoot to black and white as I thought the contrasts in the clouds and the waves would work well, hopefully they did.

Pentax FA 28-105, f/13, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/90, Focal Length - 60 mm

Pentax FA 28-105, f/11, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/60, Focal Length - 28 mm (b&w conversion)

Pentax FA 28-105, f/11, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/900, Focal Length - 50 mm (b&w conversion)

Pentax FA 28-105, f/11, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/15, Focal Length - 60 mm (b&w conversion)

Pentax FA 28-105, f/4.5, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/1000, Focal Length - 105 mm (b&w conversion)