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Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Australian Trip - Whyalla: The Backyard

Here's some random photos of my parents backyard taken with the Takumar 55mm 1.8 and the Pentax DA 18-55 with a macro filter attached.

Pentax DA 18-55 - macro filter

Pentax DA 18-55, f/4.5, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/190, Focal Length - 40 mm

Pentax DA 18-55, f/4.5, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/30, Focal Length - 40 mm (cropped)

Pentax DA 18-55, f/4.5, ISO - 400, Shutter - 1/350, Focal Length - 40 mm (cropped)

Pentax DA 18-55, f/4.5, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/125, Focal Length - 40 mm

Super Takumar 55mm 1.8

"Pipa" - Takumar 55 mm 1.8, ISO - 400, Shutter - 1/60 (bleach bypass)

Takumar 55 mm 1.8, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/125 (B&W conversion)

Takumar 55 mm 1.8, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/180 (cropped)

Takumar 55 mm 1.8, ISO - 200, Shutter - 1/250 (cropped)