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Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Australian Trip - Port Bonython "The Shack" : Pt 1

My family own a beach house at Port Bonython and is a great getaway from the hustle and bustle of Whyalla...hahaha, just kidding, it's great just to get away from Whyalla!

I've been looking forward to taking photos out here with the K10D for a long and it was a lot of fun as theres lots nature, sand dunes, beaches and cool sunsets.

Pentax FA 28-105, f/3.2, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/1000, Focal Length - 28 mm

Pentax DA 18-55, f/6.7, ISO - 400, Shutter - 1/125, Focal Length - 38 mm

Pentax FA 28-105, f/11, ISO - 280, Shutter - 1/250, Focal Length - 43 mm

Pentax FA 28-105, f/27, ISO - 200, Shutter - 1/45, Focal Length - 85 mm

Pentax FA 28-105, f/8, ISO - 100, Shutter - 1/180, Focal Length - 34 mm