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Thursday, 8 May 2008

Amanohashidate - "Bridge in the heaven"

Amanohashidate which translates to "Bridge in the heaven" is one of the three main attractions of Japan, the other two being Miyajima and Matsushima and all three are called Nihon Sankei.

Today I challenged myself to not use any other lens, only the Tamron 35mm 2.8, although I did have my 28-105 with me in case the manual shots were shit. The Tamron proved to be a great lens and the best $45 AUD I've ever spent (although my Takumar's were a steal too) and was sharpest between f/5.6 ~ f/11. Taking photos of the stretch of sandbar from the lookout, I focused to infinity, set the aperture to f/11 ~ f/16 and snapped away.

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/16, ISO -100, Shutter - 1/180

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/5.6, ISO -100, Shutter - 1/1500

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/2.8, ISO -100, Shutter - 1/3000

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/11, ISO -100, Shutter - 1/180

Auto Tamron 35 mm 2.8, f/2.8, ISO -100, Shutter - 1/1000