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Tuesday, 20 May 2008

I Will Perform For I...

Pentax FA 18-55 : f/5.6 : ISO - 100 : Shutter - 1/250 : Focal Length - 55mm : black & white conversion

This guy wasn't pulling much of a crowd at this particular time in Rundle Mall in Adelaide so it was a perfect opportunity to take a few snaps. I took a few shots of him with his eyes closed and I thought I'd drop a few coins for his troubles and then he started dancing which was even better. Thanks mate!

The DA 18-55 kit lens is not usually plugged into my K10D that often but in the mall and for street shots, the 18mm wide angle is pretty handy. Although this shot is at 55mm, it's a nice range for portraits and cropped 1x1 frames his shoulders with the balls nicely.